The True Power of the Universe Is Love

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Love is the most wonderful feeling in the Universe. When we share love with others and especially with those that God has chosen for us to be with, it fills us with the ultimate and inexorable feeling of joy and positive energy. As long as we share love with the elegance and majesty that God has designed it with, we will experience these benefits of Universal Love.

What God the Father also wants us to do is love Him, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. By giving Him our love, God returns love to us in many ways. Love is positive Living Light energy. Evil and hate are negative light energy. Love satisfies and persists. Evil and hate diminish and destroy.

Find a negative-energy experience that provides lasting satisfaction after just one instance and the world would want to hear about that immediately. Instead, negative energy needs to be constantly reinforced with increasingly negative energy to retain its perceived value.

Don’t think that’s true? Take power, money, and fame for instance. Obtaining material things and having some power or fame is not bad, but those things become a never-ending obsession, individuals will do anything to obtain them. They become a massive problem when they indifferently harm, deprive, and kill others, and especially innocent unborn children..

How many people do you know who have a compulsive need for money, power, and fame and are genuinely happy? Almost everyone I’ve known like that has ultimately been miserably unhappy?

They’ve turned that negative energy into their god, and they either 1) have to always obtain more because what they have is never enough or 2) become paranoid that others want to take everything they have, and they end up living in walled and gated residences with armed guards to protect themselves. Doesn’t that sound like a self-imposed prison?

It;s, because the allure of those things is a facade and only provides temporary, temporal pleasure for most. It’s only those intoxicated by that negative energy who don’t notice how unhappy they truly are.

They are too wrapped up in that negative power and don’t seem to understand that many people who have less may be happier than they are. Negative energy only begets more negative energy, whereas the positive power of love, provided by God, can and does provide eternal happiness.

It is wonderful to know that the CEO of God Tech just wants love, wants us to experience the power of love and its positive energy here on earth, and to do things that express reverence for love. He’s given all his creation free will and freedom—humanity, the angels, the heavenly hosts, and all of creation.

Religion isn’t the opium of the masses, as Karl Marx so foolishly claimed. Power, money, and fame are the opium of the misguided.

Why do so many deviate from God’s path and instigate rebellion, hate, and suffering? We’ve been told who the originators of such conduct are—a band of rebellious angels led by Lucifer.

How the rebellion started in Heaven, the ultimate paradise, is a question that only God can answer. So, does an answer to how the mind-set that leads to rebellion, wars, indifferent killings, and more originate within God’s world? Hint: Lucifer is involved!

For those that say no, no way, we’re way too technically advanced to believe in such ancient entities as an all-powerful God and someone named Lucifer. After all, we would have discovered God by now. We’re looking for the God particle, aren’t we? That should turn all those stories into myths, shouldn’t it?

Putting it simply, explain how the pyramids were constructed with such precision using only ancient pulleys and ropes or explain how the sun originated without one thousand pages of speculation, and we’ll talk.

Some have asked, how could God talk to us directly through the air? That isn’t questioned much anymore, since we all exchange our words, pictures, and everything through the air with ease. Ever heard of the pineal gland? Many believe it is the third eye and

Then there’s artificial intelligence—Generative AI neural networks, among other things. The sophistication of the most advanced AI is significant but compared to the human mind—God’s handcrafted neural network.

This is a time of awakening. Despite all our technological advances, it’s certain that there are far more advanced technologies in the universe and that the holder of the most advanced level of technology, exceeded by none, is GOD.

And GOD has created love as the most powerful force in the universe. Love is the only force that can provide a persistent state of satisfaction and joy. Money and power only provide temporal periods of excitement and always leave people craving more, more, more. Love is the only force that makes humanity feel like MORE.

Humanities responsibility is to simply follow the Truth, the Way, and the Life as told by Jesus and is the desire of God, the Source Creator of All That Is. What’s so hard about that?