The Shroud of Turin Forensic Analysis Podcast Transcript

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In our previous podcast, we discussed the origin and history of the Shroud of Turin. In this episode, we’ll  take a look at The scientific Forensic analysis of the Shroud of Turin over the last few decades.

Scientific research by nuclear physicists, most notably Robert Rucker, has conclusively determined that the image inscribed on the Shroud of Turin was generated by collimated light radiation of a type not presently known in the natural and unknown by most of humanity, in general.

He, along with others,  concluded that the role of that light radiation in image formation was, 1, to provide the energy required for the functioning of the dis coloration mechanism, and 2, is required to carry the information from the body to the cloth, to control the dis coloration mechanism, so that a high definition image could be encoded onto the Shroud.

They further concluded that there are seventeen substantive reasons why radiation emitted from within Jesus’ body is the most likely explanation for the Shroud of Turin image.

  • First, all other causes for the image have been disproven, including paint, hot scorching from metal, such as an iron, or any other man made method
  • Number 2, the color of the image and lack of fluorescence under UV light implies the image is a “cold” scorch due to radiation
  • Number 3, the front and dorsal images are on the inside of the cloth, from a wrapped configuration, so the radiation must have come from the body
  • Number 4, the uniqueness of the image implies a unique cause
  • Number 5, information was carried from the body to the cloth by radiation
  • Number 6,  bones are encoded into the image
  • Number 7,  the front and dorsal images have high resolution, but there are no side images
  • Number 8,  a static discharge is the best explanation for multiple unique characteristics of the image
  • Number 9,  there is 3D or topographic information in the 2D image
  • Number 10, upper fibers shielded lower fibers from discoloration
  • Number 11, the front and dorsal images have a similar intensity
  • Number 12, the discoloration is due to the altered electron bonds of carbon
  • Number 13, the image is due to the transfer of energy without substance, which is a good definition of radiation
  • Number 14,  there is experimental evidence for protons and ultraviolet radiation causing similar discoloration
  • Number 15, neutrons emitted from the body explains the different results from the 1988 carbon dating
  • Number 16, the blood on the Shroud has a reddish color explained by neutron absorption
  • Number 17, radiation pressure could possibly explain how the dried blood on the body was lifted off the body and thrust onto the Shroud

And finally In 2022, researchers at The Institute of Crystallography in Italy, used a new cloth dating method, entitled the Wide Angle-X-ray-Scattering (WAXeS) technique. It was applied to a sample of the Shroud linen and the result places the Shroud in the time period of Christ’s death and resurrection around 33 AD.

But what About the 1988 Carbon Dating, used to attempt to prove the age of the Shroud?

It proved that the Shroud was from the Middle Ages.

Didn’t it?! No, it didn’t!!

The Carbon dating methods were discovered in the 1940’s, and were based upon what was then known about technology.

It was believed to be a scientific breakthrough at the time, because it was thought to be the first method of determining the age of artifacts from antiquity, who’s origination date was unknown.

But with modern technology advances, scientists now know that carbon dating is subject to error because of a variety of factors, such as carbon contamination.

The most significant factor is when the carbon of the item being dated becomes contaminated by outside carbon 12 isotopes, it alters the carbon 14 to carbon 12 ratio, which is the basis for determining the item’s age.

or as it has become more specifically known, carbon dating can be contaminated by subatomic particles such as neutrons.

Scientists have continually sought ways to calibrate and correct carbon dating, but unless the source and quantity of carbon 12 contamination can be accounted for, the certainty of the results is unreliable.

Forensic analysis shows that the neutrons emitted from the body through supernatural collimated radiation, explains the error in the 1988 carbon dating.

The carbon molecules in the Shroud were altered by neutron absorption in the cloth, making the 1988 carbon dating results completely unreliable and actually when properly factored authenticates the origin of the Shroud at approximately 33 AD.

Yet, there are skeptics, some of them scientists, who cling to the 1988 carbon dating as if its efficacy is immutable.

The process or mechanism, by which the dead body within the Shroud emitted the radiation required to form the images is outside of our current understanding of science.

This recognizes that encoding of the front and dorsal images onto the Shroud involved new phenomena that are not within our current understanding of the laws of science.

The thickness of the discoloration on a fiber is less than .4 microns, which is less than the wavelength of light, and not a natural light phenomena.

The discoloration on the fibers is also not due to pigment painted onto the Shroud, but is due to a change from single to double electron bonds of some of the carbon atoms already in the cellulose molecule.

This is essentially the same as the oxidation-dehydration process that results from the aging of cloth.

The amazing thing is this process produced the image of a crucified man on the Shroud.

The disappearance of Jesus’ body is best understood not as a disintegration of the atoms of the body, but as a transition of the atoms of the body into an alternate form of existence.

This is something we cannot replicate and clearly indicates that the image was created by a Divine supernatural force.

The simple truth is that the Shroud of Turin is authentic. Some might claim that’s a very bold statement, maybe even over the top.

But when the evidence and analysis of the Shroud is examined objectively and scientifically, there’s no doubt.

The radiation emitted from Jesus’ body during His resurrection is the Living Light Energy that is God and can be described as God Tech. It is that technology that God used to create the universe and to create each human’s Living Light spirit man.

Jesus left the image on the Shroud behind to represent the true nature of God, in this time, where we’ve advanced enough technologically to understand the plausibility of the Living Light image encoding.

In our next podcast, we’ll discuss the history and forensic analysis of the Sudarium of Oviedo and how they correlate with the Shroud of Turin.

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