The Sudarium of Oviedo and the Shroud of Turin Podcast Transcript

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The History of the Sudarium of Oviedo

The Sudarium is the small blood-stained linen napkin, measuring approximately 84 x 53 centimeters or 33 x 21 inches, that was placed over Jesus’ face for his burial.

It was preserved from the time of the crucifixion in a reliquary.

From the time of the crucifixion until 614 AD, it was, according to an account by Antoninus of Piacenza, hidden in a cave near the monastery of St. Mark, which was not far from Jerusalem. 

When Persian forces invaded the Byzantine provinces in 614, the oak case in which the Sudarium was kept was removed from Palestine, through northern Africa, by Philip “the Presbyter,” a leader of the Christian community in Palestine.

Philip and the reliquary chest were welcomed to Alexandria by John the Almoner, bishop of Alexandria at the time.

When the Persians pushed on into Egypt, the chest was carried into Spain and entrusted to St. Fulgentius, who sent it on to Seville. The Sudarium chest is known to have been in Spain since 631 AD.

The chest was then carried from Toledo, north to Monte Sacro in Asturias in 711 AD, to escape the advancing Moors.

It was there that King Alfonso I of Asturias turned back the Moors, and erected a Camara Santa, which stands for holy chamber, to shelter the relic in the north-central Spain town of Oviedo.

King Alfonso also made the reliquary chest, called the Arca Santa, more elaborate.

He had the ancient oak reliquary chest plated with silver and printed with the inscription “The Sacred Sudarium of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

In 840 AD, King Alfonso II of Asturias, erected a chapel to protect and store the Sudarium that is enshrined in the Arca Santa.

The Sudarium has been kept in the Cámara Santa of the Cathedral of San Salvador, in Oviedo, until this very day.

Now lets take a look at the Forensic analysis of the Sudarium of Oviedo, and the ways in which it coincides with the findings from the forensic analysis of the Shroud of Turin.

First, There is a high correlation between the blood stains on the two cloths.

The back of the Sudarium where Jesus’s head was laid, contains blood from deep puncture wounds, and are the same as the blood stains from his wounds on the Shroud of Turin.

A second set of stains is type AB blood and six parts edema fluid, which proves that death resulted from asphyxiation, the very cause of death for people who are crucified, like Jesus was.

The blood and lymph stains on the two cloths are both type AB, which is a common blood type in the Middle East.

The material used in the two cloths is identical, although there are differences in the manner of weaving.

and last, Pollen remnants on the Shroud and Sudarium show that the cloths are from the same region in Palestine.

By comparing the Sudarium to the Shroud of Turin, one researcher has identified 70 points of correlation on the front of the Sudarium, and 50 on the back.

Overall, the forensic analysis of the Sudarium of Oviedo helps authenticate the Shroud of Turin, and vice versa, because of the very notable similarities between the two cloths and the stains and other residues on them.

The significance of the forensic analyses and cloth comparison is that it proves that the Shroud and Sudarium are from the exact same events, the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The level of evidence developed through these analyses is overwhelming and to the threshold of absolute, without any real likelihood of reasonable doubt.

This is proof of Jesus’ existence, as documented in the Bible’s New Testament, that has been around since His crucifixion, but only now can be thoroughly validated through direct scientific forensic analysis.

Why then, hasn’t this information been broadcast around the world, published by every news outlet, and blazed across social media like a wildfire.

Is it because the earthly powers that be, don’t want the truth of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit’s existence to be proven, so that they can continue to intone a demonic agenda of undue power and influence on earth.

Many miracles from God happen every day, but they are often very personal or happen in small settings, and never reported.

If a miracle happens on a larger scale or in front of a large audience, it might briefly make the news, almost by accident, but then the secular media quickly pushes it out of the news cycle.

it’s amazing how bad news tends to have a very long lifecycle, with breathless updates being uttered over and over for hours on end.

But good news, such as the immutable proof of the Shroud of Turin and Sudarium of Oviedo’s authenticity is rarely or not even mentioned, or is disparaged with inaccurate information such as the discredited 1988 Shroud of Turin carbon dating results.

But despite the legacy media’s deceitfulness, we now have proof to bolster our faith in Jesus Christ as the Truth, the Way, and the Life. no matter what the corrupt media does or doesn’t cover.

In many ways, God actually prefers that the evidence be exchanged Via grassroots efforts, that make the understanding of His Truth more personal and long lasting, rather than through the impersonal and purposely inaccurate propaganda intoned by the mass media.

Fortunately, the grip of the legacy mass media on the information we hear is rapidly diminishing, as the internet and social media become the vehicle for a vast spiritual Awakening.

The Awakening will turn our grassroots efforts into a tidal wave of Truth that can be personalized for each of us.

When we personalize the knowledge by faith, and now the proof, of Jesus existence, we are then able to fully use His Living Light resurrection power within our Spirit to defeat the evil agenda of the darkness.

The end – or just the beginning? Amen.

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