God is Living Light.
This is a prophecy for our time.
Living Light is the most powerful force in the universe , and God is the originator and the sovereign of that Light.
Living Light is supernatural and is a vast superset of natural light. It has many capabilities , most of them only known to God , that are superior to and more powerful than natural light.
Natural light consists of photons which are foundational particles, known as quantum , that propagate in electromagnetic radiation waves.
Living Light has intelligence ,, and a variety of propagation types, that are more capable than electromagnetic radiation.
Because of these properties, Living Light precisely blocks the darkness in the way that a strong radio or television signal interferes with or completely blocks a weaker signal.
God’s Living Light detects and blocks all of the energy transmissions of the darkness, without the darkness being able to detect or prevent it from happening
The human spirit is made of Living Light and is God within us.
When we pray and make declarations we manifest its power by releasing Living Light energy into the universe, which is why the darkness does all it can to stop us from praying and making declarations.
An even more compelling Living Light attribute is that its power is additive.
This is accomplished through a phenomena known as quantum entanglement ,, which is when two or more Living Light energy sources impact each other no matter how far apart they are in the universe.
That’s the real power of Living Light energy in that the power of prayer and declarations can combine to defeat the enemy.
As our technology expands into Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing . we are beginning to understand the foundational nature of intelligence powered by light ,
But our capabilities are merely embryonic compared to the Omniscience and Omnipresence of God’s Living Light.
How God became Living Light we are neither told or likely be able to fully understand.
All that’s important is that we know Living Light is the essence of IAM.
But what God wants us to Awaken to know in this time ,, is to learn how to use our Spiritual Living Light energy to keep the darkness at bay.
But is God defined as Living Light biblical?
After all, this description is much more than we’ve previously been told.
Let’s take a look.
1 John 1:5 states that God is Light.
That’s one of a range of scriptures that describes God …
but it’s the only verse that actually ascribes a characteristic that explains who God is.
It doesn’t explicitly state that God is Living Light, which is Supernatural in nature. But it does describe God in a term that could be understood, in the era in which the scripture was written.
If God had proclaimed he was Supernatural Living Light in Jesus’ time .. the people of the time would not have understood.
Many biblical interpreters have tried to explain what this passage means and usually conclude that it means that the Light is “inspirational” .
No interpretation of that verse ever speaks of it as a literal definition of who God is.
The Lord of Hosts proclaims that He is Living Light … which is of a Supernatural Nature not existent in the natural light spectrum known on earth.
What this means is that He and the Spiritual realm are of a type of light that we can’t observe or measure on earth.
The reason we can’t know the nature of God’s Living Light is so that satan cannot co-opt it or try to duplicate it for his nefarious deceptions and misdeeds.
Satan is certainly aware of God’s Living Light because as Lucifer, he was originally the bearer of the information that God communicated with His Light.
But Lucifer clearly did not understand the power of God’s Living Light because if he had, he might have had second thoughts about rebelling.
But satan did not know and could not know . the inherent nature and power of God’s Living Light.
God gave angels a vast amount of His Living Light capabilities. They are spiritual beings and not flesh and blood like humans.
God created satan as Lucifer, who was one of the most beautiful angels in heaven.
He had all the Living Light spiritual capabilities of any angel.
and some advanced qualities that set him apart from other angels.
Because of his beauty, Lucifer became self-absorbed and what we would call narcissistic,
he felt that he had powers that were equivalent to God’s power.
so he gathered like-minded angels to attempt a rebellion thinking that they could overthrow God.
But he clearly didn’t understand the power of God’s Living Light.
Because they rebelled against God, satan and the other rebellious angels became fallen angels and were cast out of heaven to earth.
Despite that, they retained their Living Light spiritual abilities, although they were significantly diminished compared to the abilities they had in Heaven.
When God created man as Adam, He also gave him some of his advanced Light capabilities, but less than what He had given the angels. Instead, he gave Adam other attributes, such as a Spirit and Soul combination that angels and fallen angels do not have.
Adam was given the ability to freely and directly communicate with God and never have any needs or wants both Spiritually or for sustenance.
But after the Fall, His capabilities were reduced, as the Bible describes.
Mankind to this day has similar spiritual abilities to what Adam and Eve retained after the fall.
In this time, God is telling us more about the meaning of 1 John 1:5 “God is Light” because we’ve now reached a technological maturity where we can comprehend the power and potential of light technology.
X-rays, MRIs, Fiber Optics, Lasers, Wireless communications, and ultimately Quantum Computing are all based upon our expanding knowledge and mastery of natural Light technology. But we don’t have any technologies that could be described as supernatural or living light.
Much of our modern technology is based on natural light, which is electromagnetic in nature … and which suffers from significant power loss over distance. For example, the cellular phone network uses a large number of antennas to relay communication signals over long distances ,,, due to among other factors, the lossy nature of the cellular signals.
Natural light can also severely injure or kill humans, depending upon its intensity and frequency. Skin cancer, electrocution, and radiation poisoning are just a few examples of harm that can be caused by natural light radiation.
God’s Living Light is vastly different. It’s a superset of natural light’s traits with capabilities far beyond our understanding. It’s immensely powerful, causes no physical harm, and can traverse the universe without losing any of its power.
It’s also undetectable by satan and his demonic minions.
But most important of all, it’s the power of Love.
God’s Living Light creates the positive feeling of Love and the more we love, the better we feel. That’s why Love is so wonderful.
The most compelling trait of God’s Living Light is that it’s Living. It has intelligence and in God’s case, Omnipotence. Living Light is a superior form of existence and is the essence of Spirituality throughout the universe … and the essence of our Spirit man within.
In fact, all living beings have a spirit, because they were created with God’s Living Light.
The human difference is our unique soul and spirit combination.
This combination gives humans the ability to direct our spiritual energies in ways that are different than all other living beings.
Our soul is comprised of our mind, heart, will, imagination, and dreams … and it perishes with our body when we die.
Our spirit connects to God’s love, faith, hope, and trust. It transcends the soul, is the Divine spark of God given to us at birth and is the part of us that lives on after death.
Our spirit can also connect with all other living beings, not only on earth, but throughout the universe through quantum entanglement. All Living Light spiritual beings are interconnected … and everything we do and say impacts others throughout the universe.
God’s purpose for telling us about being Living Light is that he believes we can now understand who He is because of all our modern technology.
Our technical knowledge is more vast than that of any previous generation throughout history.
He also wants us to know that because we have a lagniappe of His Living Light energy in our Spirit, we can activate its power through prayer and declaration to defeat the enemy and his evil actions and intentions.
The new church going forward will be one built around Spirituality. God’s Living Light. Our Spiritual nature. And our Living Light power over satanic and demonic evil.
These are the prominent elements of the Truth, the Way, and the Life that God wants us to embrace and use as his Army of Light going forward.
God has given man dominion on this earth. We must learn how to use the power He’s given us to defeat the enemy. That power strikes fear in satan and his demons which is why they do everything they can to try to stop us from using it.
Only then can we occupy and maintain the Kingdom Realm on earth until the return of Jesus Christ, our savior and king.